Qilu Forum on Rural Revitalization 2020

添加时间:2020-12-07 11:18:33



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From December 4 to 5, "Qilu forum 2020 for Rural Revitalization" was held in Qingdao West Coast new area, sponsored by development research center of Shandong Provincial People's government, Department of agriculture and rural areas of Shandong Province, and Qingdao Municipal People's government, and hosted by Qingdao agricultural and rural Bureau and Qingdao West Coast New Area Management Committee. Ma Jiantang, Secretary of the Party group of the development research center of the State Council, Li Ganjie, deputy secretary of the Shandong provincial Party committee and governor, Zhang Laiwu, special expert in decision-making consultation of Shandong provincial government, former Vice Minister of the Ministry of science and technology and President of the sixth Industry Research Institute of Fudan University, Wang Qingxian, member of the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial Committee and Secretary of the Qingdao Municipal Committee, attended and delivered keynote speeches Zhang Yuxiang, former member of the Party group of the Ministry of industry and President of China Agricultural Products Market Association, Zhao Haozhi, deputy secretary of Qingdao municipal Party committee and acting mayor, song Junji, secretary general and general office director of Shandong provincial government, attended the forum. Huang Hongguang, Deputy Secretary General of the provincial government, made a summary of the forum.

Ye Xingqing, song Hongyuan, Huang Jikun, Huang Shaoan, Zhang Hongyu, Yuan Peng, Huang Zuhui, Wang Sangui, Zhu Jing and other senior experts and scholars from the field of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" conducted exchanges and discussions on the major theoretical and practical issues of implementing the Rural Revitalization Strategy. The responsible persons of some cities, counties and enterprises in Shandong Province introduced the practical exploration of building a model for Rural Revitalization in Qilu. More than 270 people attended the forum, including relevant departments and bureaus of the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas, development research centers of some provincial (autonomous regional) governments, relevant departments directly under Shandong Province, scientific research institutes of some universities, municipal governments and relevant responsible comrades of Rural Revitalization service teams of counties (cities, districts) sent by the province attended the forum.


Ma Jiantang, Secretary of the Party group of the development research center of the State Council, delivered a keynote speech. He said that the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core attached great importance to agricultural and rural work. We should deeply study and understand the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee, strive to consolidate and develop the achievements in poverty alleviation, strive to promote the development of characteristic industries in poverty-free areas, strive to improve the rural governance capacity in the poverty-stricken areas, strengthen the talent team for Rural Revitalization in poverty-stricken areas, and strive to build a support mechanism for Rural Revitalization in poverty-stricken areas, so as to continuously promote the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way Rural areas in poverty-stricken areas have been revitalized in an all-round way. It is hoped that Shandong will continue to explore boldly, take an active and enterprising role, and continue to be in the forefront of the country in establishing a support mechanism for low-income population and underdeveloped areas and promoting common prosperity.

Li Ganjie, deputy secretary of the Shandong provincial Party committee and governor of the provincial Party committee, said in a keynote speech that building a model for the revitalization of the Qilu village is a major task of general secretary Xi Jinping to Shandong. Over the past two years, we have always kept in mind the instructions of the general secretary, taken the implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy as the general starting point of the "three rural" work in the new era, closely followed the "five revitalization", constantly deepened understanding, strengthened measures, bravely explored new roads, and promoted agricultural and rural modernization with high standards The picture of rural rejuvenation era with beautiful village and rich farmers is unfolding slowly. We will thoroughly implement general secretary Xi Jinping's instructions on the important instructions of Shandong, carry out the responsibilities of agricultural provinces, enhance the quality and competitiveness of agriculture, strengthen the support of agricultural science and technology, carry out rural construction action, release the vitality of agricultural and rural development, strive to achieve major breakthroughs in the construction of a modern agricultural province, and build high-quality Rural Revitalization. Lu model. It is hoped that all sectors of society will continue to care and support Shandong, actively participate in Shandong's agricultural and rural development, share opportunities, create win-win situation, and write a new chapter of Rural Revitalization in the new era.

Zhang Laiwu, a special expert in Shandong provincial government decision consultation, former Vice Minister of science and technology and President of the six Industry Research Institute of Fudan University, believes that the key to build Shandong's Qilu model is to transform the thinking mode, innovate the industrial mode, accelerate the development of six industries, establish the thought of "Internet plus", speed up the layout and develop Internet based technology agriculture and intelligent agriculture. We should optimize and upgrade the industrial structure, enhance the added value of the industry, accelerate the development of healthy agriculture, promote the connection and sharing of health industry and agriculture based on the medical cloud and health cloud platform, promote the development of healthy agriculture, and lead to create a Qilu model for Rural Revitalization.

Wang Qingxian, member of the Standing Committee of the Shandong provincial Party committee and Secretary of the Qingdao municipal Party committee, said that Qingdao closely focuses on the overall goal of Rural Revitalization Strategy of agricultural and rural modernization, respects the laws of agricultural and rural development, adapts measures to local conditions, and conforms to policies and regulations, closely combines with the actual situation of Qingdao, highlights the characteristics of Qingdao, and strives to create a leading area for Rural Revitalization of Qilu. The first is to optimize the village level organizational structure, to guide the Rural Revitalization with organizational revitalization, and to deepen and expand the New Era Connotation of "Laixi conference" experience. The second is to promote the Rural Revitalization in the interaction of "four modernizations", drive urbanization with industrialization, and realize the moderate scale management of land, improve the level of rural public service through the construction of beautiful countryside, and meet the new expectations of farmers for a better life. Third, we should strengthen and innovate rural social governance, accelerate the formation of a new type of grass-roots social governance system with vitality and efficiency, and improve the modernization level of rural governance. In the next step, we will, in accordance with the deployment of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the requirements of the provincial Party committee and the provincial government, and under the guidance of organizational revitalization, promote mutual promotion of workers and farmers, complement urban and rural areas, coordinate development and common prosperity, and contribute Qingdao's strength to building a model of Rural Revitalization of Qilu.

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The second unit, with the theme of "building a new development pattern and Rural Revitalization", is presided over by fan liming, a special expert in decision-making consultation of Shandong provincial government and President of Shandong University. In this unit, ye Xingqing, director and researcher of the Rural Economic Research Department of the development research center of the State Council, put forward the promotion ideas on breaking the main blocking points of internal and external circulation and identifying the focus of Rural Revitalization. From the perspective of internal circulation, we should strengthen the construction of agricultural products logistics facilities, cultivate regional public brands, cooperatives and enterprise brands, appropriately expand the scale of agricultural operation, and guide talents and capital From the perspective of external circulation, we should promote the diversification of imports, expand the export of advantageous agricultural products, and maintain the necessary self-sufficiency rate of important agricultural products and the national reserve adjustment capacity. Zhang Hongyu, vice president and professor of China Rural Research Institute of Tsinghua University, pointed out that it is necessary to enhance the sense of hardship, establish a correct concept of agricultural industry security, promote the transformation of production and management mode of grain, livestock and poultry, and characteristic agricultural products with large-scale, intensive and diversified development; adhere to the principle of inclining factor resources investment to agriculture, and deepen the reform of land system, management system, financial insurance system and other fields To deepen the opening up of agriculture to the outside world and provide policy guarantee for the safety of agricultural industry. Huang Jikun, distinguished expert of Shandong provincial government decision-making consultation, academician of Academy of Sciences of developing countries, distinguished professor of Yangtze River scholars and director of China Agricultural Policy Research Center of Peking University, deeply analyzed the change of per capita food consumption and the development trend of agricultural labor force, breeding industry, planting industry and scientific and technological progress, and thought that the key points of future agricultural development should adhere to four aspects Then, it is the bottom line guarantee of absolute safety of ration and basic self-sufficiency of grain, transformation and development of green, efficient and high-value and sustainable agriculture, innovation and development of improving agricultural total factor productivity, and international development of opening up and ensuring food supply capacity. Yuan Peng, deputy director and researcher of the Institute of rural development, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that to promote the high-quality development of farmers' cooperatives, we should adhere to the internal unity of problem-oriented, goal-oriented and result oriented, strive to solve the problem of "small weak scattered empty", enhance market competitiveness, and promote small farmers to increase their income and become rich; adhere to government guidance, reform and innovation, and encourage the development of new business owners We should pay attention to standardized management, innovate business model and development path, and continuously improve the degree of organization. Huang Zuhui, President of China Academy of rural development of Zhejiang University and director of agricultural modernization and Rural Development Research Center (Carter), put forward the path of building Qilu model for rural revitalization, insisting on the drive of urbanization, guiding various elements into the field of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers"; vigorously cultivating "new agriculture" to promote agriculture "one after another"; improving the ability of market-oriented resource allocation and insisting on reform We should explore the path of organic connection between small farmers and large-scale agriculture.

The third unit is themed by Hu Jinyan, Secretary of the Party committee and professor of Qingdao University. Chu Ruiyun, deputy director of the Department of agriculture and rural areas of Shandong Province, mainly introduced the relevant situation of industrial revitalization. In recent years, Shandong Province has taken deepening the structural reform of agricultural supply side as the main line, focusing on the development of modern and efficient agriculture, vigorously promoted the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, accelerated the cultivation of new industries and new formats, promoted the continuous optimization and improvement of agricultural production capacity, strengthened the guarantee of resource elements, and accelerated the formation It has become a new situation of urban-rural integration and development. Around the goal of "blue sky, clear water, pure land and beautiful house", song Jibao, Secretary of the Party group and director of Shandong Provincial Ecological Environment Department, elaborated Shandong's practices in supporting the use of clean energy, banning the burning of straw, doing a good job in sewage treatment and water purification according to local conditions, as well as how to control the amount of pesticide and chemical fertilizer and reduce soil pollution, and put forward targeted suggestions. Chen Fei, deputy secretary of Yantai municipal Party committee and mayor, combined with the actual situation of Yantai City, summed up the experience of adhering to the "four leading" of brand, science and technology, "leading" organization, promoting industrial optimization and upgrading, improving agricultural quality and efficiency, promoting the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and cultivating new agricultural business entities. Sun Yonghong, member of the Standing Committee of the Qingdao municipal Party committee, Secretary of the working committee and District Committee of the West Coast new area, introduced that the West Coast New Area aims to build a beautiful and livable urban-rural integrated development community, in accordance with the idea of "whole area empowerment, urban-rural coordination, group co construction, and Party building guidance", change ideas and innovate ideas, so as to make the industry stronger, the farmers richer, the environment more beautiful and governance in the process of Rural Revitalization The method of optimizing the theory. Chen Xiangzhi, deputy secretary of the Party committee and general manager of Shandong Agricultural Development Credit Guarantee Co., Ltd., focused on how to construct "rural scene finance" and solve the problems of agricultural financing difficulty and high financing cost, elaborated on innovating the cooperation mechanism of "agricultural administration, bank and guarantee", continuously accelerating the effective supply of rural finance, effectively reducing the financing cost of agricultural business entities, and effectively using big data and speeding up the number Transformation and other aspects of the practice. Ding junyang, chairman of Shouguang vegetable industry group of Shandong Province, introduced how to build core competitiveness, consolidate high-quality development foundation, build international and domestic production and marketing network based on new development pattern, and practice enterprise social mission and fully participate in rural industry revitalization.

The fourth unit, with the theme of "improving the urban-rural integration development mechanism", is presided over by Yuan Hongying, President and researcher of Shandong Academy of social sciences. In this unit, song Hongyuan, a special expert of Shandong provincial government decision-making consultation and former director of the rural economic research center of the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas, explained the history of the changes in the relationship between industry and agriculture, analyzed the problem of unbalanced and insufficient development, and proposed to improve the system and mechanism of the cultivation of new industries and new formats, the realization of the value of ecological products, and the coordinated development of urban and rural industries We should strengthen the main body of agricultural management, accelerate the transfer and employment of rural labor force, and promote the sustained and stable growth of farmers' income. Zhu Jing, a distinguished professor of Yangtze River scholar and President of School of economics and management of Nanjing Agricultural University, analyzed the new challenges facing food security. He suggested that through large-scale operation and implementation of high-standard farmland construction, grain cost could be reduced and competitiveness could be enhanced. Food support policies suitable for the actual situation of the country and international rules should be improved, and diversified import strategy should be implemented to cope with the new development pattern scientifically Food security challenges under the. Huang Shao'an, a specially appointed expert of Shandong provincial government decision-making consultation, a distinguished professor of Yangtze River scholars and President of Shandong University's Economic Research Institute, proposed to adhere to the problem orientation and pay attention to solving the problems existing in rural revitalization, strengthen the dominant position of farmers, mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers to participate in rural revitalization, vigorously develop rural collective economy, and promote the transformation from "blood transfusion" to "hematopoiesis"; Scientific implementation of beautiful rural construction, orderly promotion of urbanization. Wang Sangui, President and professor of poverty alleviation Research Institute of Renmin University of China, deeply analyzed the background, internal logic and key points of convergence between poverty alleviation and Rural Revitalization. He suggested that we should continue to implement the industrial poverty alleviation policy and industrial layout planning, establish a long-term benefit linkage mechanism for low-income people, strengthen the protection of education, medical and other fields, improve the quality of education, and improve medical care The treatment system can enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security.

The participants generally believed that this forum is a grand gathering of wisdom of all parties and cohesion of development forces. It is also a high standard, high-quality and high-level ideological feast. The outstanding features of this forum are: first, it is strategic. Focusing on the national strategy of rural revitalization, starting from the height of building a new development pattern, focusing on consolidating the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively linking up with rural revitalization, it conforms to the requirements of the new era and new journey, embodies historical thinking, global vision and long-term vision, and has strong guidance and guidance. Second, strong ideological nature. There are not only the accurate interpretation of the central policy, but also the scientific research and judgment of the future trend; both the accurate grasp of the objective law, and the profound analysis of major issues, put forward forward forward-looking and innovative ideas and suggestions. Third, strong guidance. In view of the key problems such as the flow and accommodation of the elements of human land money, the cultivation of new business entities, and the organization of farmers, this paper puts forward the realization path, methods and measures, and provides targeted and operable countermeasures and suggestions for the practice of Rural Revitalization.

During the forum, a contract signing activity was held for the opening of Qingdao agricultural "international living room".

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Source: Information Office of Shandong provincial government

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