[news] the opening ceremony and plenary meeting of the Boao Forum for Asia Global Health Forum were grandly held at the China Railway Qingdao World Expo City International Conference Center on June 11! Leaders at all levels and all sectors of society atta

添加时间:2019-06-11 20:28:00



June 11, 2019

Opening ceremony and plenary meeting of Boao Forum for Asia Global Health Forum

At China Railway Qingdao World Expo City

Grand ceremony!

China Railway Qingdao World Expo City at this moment

Incomparable glory! dazzling!

In order to forge an indissoluble bond with this event

Deeply proud and proud!


This grand event has been highly valued by leaders at all levels and all sectors of society!

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, chairman of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, sent congratulatory messages to the general assembly.

Xi Jinping emphasized that health for all is a common vision of mankind and an important part of building a community of human destiny. Promoting global health is an important part of implementing the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. The Boao Forum for Asia has always been committed to promoting common development and people's well-being in Asia and the world. The convening of this conference is another important effort in this regard. It is hoped that the conference can effectively pool the strength and consensus of all parties, exchange and learn from each other, promote the development of global health undertakings and health industries, promote international cooperation in the field of health and contribute to the health and well-being of all mankind.



Vice Premier Sun Chunlan of China's State Council read a congratulatory letter from President Xi Jinping and delivered keynote speech.



Speech by Liu Jiayi, Secretary of Shandong provincial Party committee and director of the Standing Committee of Shandong Provincial People's Congress



Dr Margaret Chan, advisory committee member of Boao Forum for Asia and President of the conference, delivered a speech15603252354808.jpg

Li Baodong, Secretary General of Boao Forum for Asia, presided over the opening ceremony and delivered a speech


Speech by Yasuo Fukuda, President of Boao Forum for Asia and former Prime Minister of Japan


World Health Organization director general Tan Desai sent a video speech


ASI, Secretary General of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, delivered a speech


Zhang Haidi, President of the China Disabled Persons' Federation, delivered a speech at the conference


Wang Qingxian, member of the Standing Committee of Shandong provincial Party committee and Secretary of Qingdao municipal Party committee, delivered a speech at the meeting

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